Choose Your Attitude

005 : Belinda Lowes & Brianna

Nicholas Strand / Belinda Lowes Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode we welcome Belinda Lowes, Brianna's friend from veterinary school.
Belinda shares how Brianna impacted her life to such magnitude, that to honor her late friend, she named her own daughter after her. 
A gentle reminder of her beautiful soul,  what a source of inspiration she was/continues to be, and continue on her legacy.

You can watch the interview by visiting our YouTube Channel at or clicking HERE.

Here's our chat.

RECORDED: April 5, 2020


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spk_0:   0:04
welcome to choose your attitude. Create your Life, a podcast inspired by Brianna Os Strand, a superhuman, a hero who showed the world what it's like to live life to the fullest. Diagnosed at age three, she dragged around cystic fibrosis and later of pesky superbug, not letting anything get in the way of fulfilling a life. Some could only dream of a death sentence of age 13. She packed a full life legacy that her body just couldn't keep up with. After 29 years of life. In May 2017 her journey was over. But her legacy continues and is followed by many. Her widower and author of Loving Someone Who Is Dying lives off her inspiring story and hopes to help others live such a full and inspiring life. And is the energy behind this podcast in her own words. Choose your attitude, create your life. And now here's your host, Nicolas Strand. All right, everybody, welcome to choose your attitude podcast. Once again, you can subscribe podcast that choose your attitude dot com. Um, I'm excited to introduce you. Ah, Belinda Lows, who is a friend of Brianna's, um, through ah veterinary school? Um uh, her four years of undergrad and, ah, they work together. So welcome to the show, Belinda. Thank you for having me. This is really cool. I'm excited to be here. Yes. Um, So you knew Brianna and you met her? Um, you guys work together at a horse treadmill. Um, I'll first ask your first impressions of Brianna and what you remember, Uh, by that first impression. Yeah, I'm trying to remember the exact first time I met her, but I think there's two instances one she captor horse at a boarding facility that I was living act at the time. Um, I was kind of living there. Teoh feed horses to pay my rent was one to school, and we both had a horse there. So I met her there first. And, um and then yeah. Secondly, I met her at a research lab where we were doing research on thoroughbred racehorses. That where we're running them on like a tread? No, that was built horses. So a monstrous treadmill and, um, my person Russians, but I remember, you know, first of all, I never even Nushi Atta disease for the longest time. So my first impressions were she was always smiling, always bubbly, always interested in me and what's going on with me on. And, um, always remember, she had, like, the biggest giant ist most delicious looking frappuccino every time she came in. Uh, and, uh, yeah, she was just e would have never imagined in anything negative could be going on in her life, ever. She was just always so excited to see you and those in my first impressions. So can you also describe kind of like a little bit more detail working at the horse treadmill? Andi, kind of what that was, because that was, ah, huge thing that you two did together. Um, I actually myself about you being that's where you guys first, Ato Barn where? After horse and you're feeding. But, um, I think that treadmill was kind of a huge thing, and it kind of step into that a little bit more. Two of like what you guys did. And, ah, the monstrosity of what you guys did together there. Ah, sure. So I have just come out of the inter veterinary school at that time, and I believe I was in my second year, and we were studying, um, condition and horses where they bleed into their lungs during a race. And so we're studying he a drug that we give them to help prevent that and see if it works. So that included, you know, six or seven research forces that we would go

spk_1:   4:18
pick up from the pastor or their stalls every day. So we would take a giant horse trailer and load them out, and then we would bring them to you. Um, trend else ability. And I'm loathe them all. Clean them all up, you know, pick their feet. Make sure they're ready to run. Make sure they're healthy to run. Doing physical. Bam. Um, making sure that they, you know, they're fully capable. They're being free. They were able to do their job, and then they all have, um when we would be testing them, we would have, you know, a counter in their vain, and that would be pretty intense and would require quite a bit of focus. As you can imagine, loading 1000 £1200 animal on a treadmill about, you know, 10 by 10 times the size of the human treadmill and preventing them from getting firms from, you know, jumping are doing something that hurt himself from then. But if you got them on the treadmill, do certain exerciser jeans where when we were actually getting data, we would imitate a real thoroughbred race for, um, a real real race. And so we would start them off, warm them up for a couple of minutes a man. We would slowly ease them of feed to the quick if they could go. So if you could imagine, afford running at the high speed that could ever go. But if one foot in front of you and at the same time we're taking blood samples at with horses running fast of it can and recording values and trying to get the most status so that we don't have to ever keep study again. So, um, ever reported a lot of my sportsmanship and understanding, you know, way horses painted to keep the face. And then also a lot of, you know, a lot of intellectual work to gain after it. Samples actually be published in a peer reviewed journal article. So basically we've been, and then after they would run, they honestly would have to be taken off. The treadmill cooled out, closed off, cleaned up bad and taking care of and then taken back to their pastor.

spk_0:   6:33
So you guys work together doing that, And that was kind of ah, process. But as you guys, that personal, uh, kind of, uh, interactions from the barn t even working together, you kinda had both sides. You had the friendship. You had the work side. Um, and so your relationship as friends started to grow. Um, And as that occurred from your first impression and things continued, um, what kind of set Brianna off? Ah, different than others. That kind of gave you some of the inspiration. Or, um, that leadership that that kind of like that the book cover that picture of that glow, um, emphasised for you.

spk_1:   7:22
Yeah. I don't think Briana definitely did have that glow on, and it was kind of effortless, you know, it wasn't scripted. It wasn't studied. It was in eight on. It was, you know, anybody that worked with us, you know, including, you know, my boxer ready was very fond of her as well. Um, you know, anybody even notice that she just loved what she did, and she loved being around people and it was natural it wasn't. You know, it wasn't like she was trying to get her name in an article. You know, she loved people in She loved animals. And so I think the combination of those two made it all seem supernatural and made her for likable, available and fun to be around. You know, it didn't seem like work when you were hanging out with.

spk_0:   8:11
So when you Ah, um, kind of going through college, it kind of progress in the friendship started. Ah, occur. And that was about the time. Um, we actually, I think moved back, and you kind of moved on to your way. She was in the undergrad, and you were actually Ah, I think it in the veterinary. Um uh, program. So you were actually about four years ahead of she her, um I believe, and so when we all kind of separated, um, we kind of began are different lives. And, um, that inspiration, actually Ah, you actually had a child, and ah, you order after Brianna. Um, so Brianna was this light and ah, friend. And it inspired you to name your child after this. Um, describe that the meaning and kind of You know, the strength behind that.

spk_1:   9:14
Yeah, absolutely. Um, Briana, you know you know my son Briana, man a lot. Me, even in the short time. But I didn't send her. I know I didn't grow up with her it and years with her. Um, but e always thought of her. And, you know, we me and a friend Jaime did make a trip back to Seattle area when she was sick at one time to go see her just ugly. Mr Some watch. And he really wanted to support her. And I just have so many strong that, you know, I only wish I could, you know, wish that my daughter could have. And when Brianna was very sick, I was early pregnant on, you know, I could be there. I live in Canada now on, um So we have heard through Facebook and your friends how she was doing, and unfortunately for passing in May And, uh, you know, hit me quite hard, but I just thought of her and all of the, you know, all of the experience of the tablet for her. At that time, my husband and I were throwing around some names for her, for my babies. And we knew there was a girl. And so, you know, there's another name, but I mean, get the mom you always want your daughter to have. I mean, that means something to you and that, you know, that is something very positive to you. And I got you know, I thought of what I could wish for my daughter, because I know that she will have her own mind. She will be her own person, and I can't force any trace on her. But if I could have some hopes and wishes for her, I'm gonna wish that, you know, she had that unending hope that our Brianna did. You know, I wish that if she didn't have some struggled like Briana did it, it wouldn't let it consume her. You know, she would look that optimism and live for you know what she whatever opportunity she could and not even left a struggle just behind her. I wanted her to have her optimism her, you know, care for animals. Which I My little Briana man, it's quite love. Animals don't pretty happy about that. I just couldn't think of a you know, I'm more appropriate or mean. That felt better than that.

spk_0:   11:44
I love it. So it's It's for me. It's pretty special. Brianna, Uh, was it? I think she was very sick. Ah, when you had actually had her. So she wasn't fully aware of your naming her. Ah, which that would have been. I know. For me, it's pretty amazing. And I know for her she would have Really, Um, ah, you know, admired that, um from the beginning of meeting her as just Brianna the horse person you the person you worked with to learning of Brianna with the struggle. Um, o r not even the struggle, because I think that's that's she It wasn't a struggle to her. Um, but with the CF learning that she actually carried this, um, how did you find that relationship begin to grow and kind of see her from a just a normal human being into a, uh we'll call her a lawyer. Um, you know that that foundation the sweet, beautiful human being, Um, yet every day, having this constant battle. Um, with all those memories and those descriptions, how has this constantly ever come up to you is like an inspiration or a great reminder. Um uh, using that memory?

spk_1:   13:13
Absolutely. Um, I was, you know, kind of just recently found on it going on in our life for all changing anything. She didn't company. I think sometimes we have the, you know, we start to feel anxiety that I'm worried then and, uh, you know, I am a veterinarian. Now, hand with, you know, with cool Did we are still being essential some able work. But of course, I think this is so silly. Even think about it. But it didn't really have any at the time. But I did acquire, like, a little old, like some mild, you know, nasal congestion and a runny nose. So I was forced to stay home for 10 days, and I was really upset because my nature is, you know, I don't like team down. You know, I feel like I should be out there helping, not my job. And I felt like I was stopped at full doing nothing, and it was really frustrating at first, and I kind of felt like it will be want to be around me, designed this runny nose, and I'm like, I'm OK, but you know, just really frustrated. And so I'm proud. She as I came home and, you know, playing with my little brand and now and how tired and emotional. And she got up a few times in the middle of the night. They were tired when I eventually laid down with her in her tiny little 25 bend. And I played with her as she followed, please. And when she did follow police, I just kind of became very wiki even lie and trying. But I am. And I just noticed, You know, I look and I was like, you know, I just overwhelming fear, feeling I'm granted to. But, you know, I'm in the comfort of my home. I'm laying next to my beautiful, healthy, um, you know, saw space little innocent girl. And, you know, I began to think of how lucky I was to have her and hope, you know, she's positively impacted our family when I thought about, you know, wake up in the morning is having a run in the room and, you know, they love you. Mommy and I thought about you know, her getting draft. If she was so proud to show me that she didn't I on, uh, about, you know, she has a sense of humor at two years old, you know, she jokes, confuses with her dad all the time. All those worries and anxieties I just kind of gave me in my hand. A thought came to mind at that time was Briana strands are Briana like her image of her in the treadmill. I remember it coming in and hurt downing by them. The machine that runs beside melon just smiling. And

spk_0:   16:06

spk_1:   16:06
happy to be me and break on our like, you know, I what? So, Mike, I'm so glad I named my daughter after her because they're so similar. And then, you know, after that, I was like, just all the fears, anxieties, and that feeling sorry for myself just kind of gave me and, you know, I can, you know, like my friend and heaven help me out last night and, you know, gave me a little bit of release. Um, and I appreciate that, you know, even in heaven she's been will impact me in many ways, but and I say it through my daughter every day, so I feel a big black thing in my life.

spk_0:   16:47
I love it. Thank you. Um, I think, um, no, I I agree. It's It's those moments where you least expect it. Um, that the meaning of what Brianna did so effortlessly, uh, comes ah to your strength, Um, which is exciting to be able to share in the book and everything. Um, I think the very last question I would have is, um, with Brianna's quote shoes, your attitude. Create your life. Um, as I say that hearing that maybe come from Brianna, um, what's that quote mean to you, And how have you May be kind of applied that to your life. I know we've kind of talked about a lot of that right now, um, but kind of more in a direct term of that quote, um, how does that make you feel?

spk_1:   17:38
I mean, it's inspiring, and I think you know, it's probably a lot more natural. And I think she faced, you know, the condition early on, and she became such a uh So why? And mature so young on. And I you know, I think back to that, um uh, video you shared of her doing her at the base speech. which is very impactful in car close. Well, I recommend every watch that at some point, and you know her. It seems so easy. And sometimes, you know, waiting for all of us that the little that challenging we get, you know, mixed up and complications that work are you know, not your complications at home and little conflicts. And you get really implying by those and you you forget about you know the point. And it is the point is to have a good time and to enjoy the people here around the sun. And you choose to have that optimistic from loving attitude. So phone clicks go away and your relationships get better on. And so, you know, I has a little bit of a perfectionist kind of nerdy person. I could get a little bit, um, and tracked by the details, you know? Did I do this right? Did I do that right? And I get lost the map, and I don't see the bigger picture. And I think, Briana, how about a ability to see that? So she was, you know, always smiling, always positive, because she have that ability to choose your attitude. So I looked at that. And I look back to all their memories very often. You know, sometimes the night can take a moment to stop and think about what I'm too. But I have chosen for the base of, you know, we're all human. It's not always, you know, the bright, happy person. But Brianna often brings me back to back. So how it impacts my life.

spk_0:   19:36
I love it. Thank you. Is there any last comments that you could think of to? Ah, kind of wrap things up a little bit, but that was really huge. But I mean yeah,

spk_1:   19:47
yeah. No, I think, um, I'm excited about what you're doing. I think you know it. Important to remember like a he's like summer on and to keep them going for future generations. Right on. I do have to stuff done. When I showed him that they say video and mind, Brianna was a baby, and I was

spk_0:   20:08

spk_1:   20:08
you know, business person. I named her after this lie on. You know, I think there are a little healing at the science bill, but I will show it to them again. Right hand on. I think these people you know, keeping this, like, if you live. So I want to thank you for doing this because I think she would be grateful on. And I think it's important to all of us to new Briana people alive. Banana on. And I appreciate what you're doing.

spk_0:   20:35
Well, thank you. Um, I appreciate it. And it was good to have you on, um and I'm I'm excited to share with the world. Kind of, you know? Ah, closer, intimate relationship. Ah, that those who actually knew her got Teoh share and carry. Um, and at the same time, like you said, that legacy that Brianna created with her quote and just her simplicity Ah, she made it feel, um, of her heroism of, you know, the things we don't have control of in the overwhelming ability to overcome them. Um, in the grace she led by that. So, um yeah, so I appreciate it. Um, thanks everyone for joining us on to gratitude Podcast. Don't forget to come visit us at Choose your attitude dot com where you can find more info about the mission as well as where it share it. Choose your attitude appeal peril. Along with my books loving someone who's dying and the illustration quotes on a fridge. If you have any questions or ideas for the show, please email us at podcast that chooser added to dot com as we are always excited to hear from you. Thanks for listening. And, as always, choose your attitude. Create your life. Thanks for listening to choose your attitude. Create your life. If you like what you just heard. We hope you'll pass along our Web address and podcast. Choose your attitude dot com to your friends and colleagues. If you have a specific topic or question, you want Nick to answer or address, or if you want to recommend someone pretty amazing to be on the show, please visit our website and leave your recommendation under our podcast page while you're there. Please leave us a positive review. Be sure to check out our archives section on a website for previous podcasts. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Join us next time for another edition of Choose Your Attitude, Create Your Life

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